lørdag 19. desember 2009

Julenek (Christmas Sheaf)

One of the prettiest of Christmas customs is the Norwegian practice of giving, on Christmas Day (some times earlier), a dinner to the birds.



Far over in Norway's distant realm,
That land of ice and snow,
Where the winter nights are long and drear,
And the north winds fiercely blow,
From many a low-thatched cottage roof,
On Christmas eve, 'tis said,
A sheaf of grain (julenek) is hung on high,
To feed the birds o'erhead.

In years gone by, on Christmas eve,
When the day was nearly o'er,
Two desolate, starving birds flew past
A humble peasant's door.
"Look! Look!" cried one, with joyful voice
And a piping tone of glee:
"In that sheaf there is plenteous food and cheer,
And the peasant had but three.
One he hath given to us for food,
And he hath but two for bread,
But he gave it with smiles and blessings,
'For the Christ-child's sake,' he said."


"Come, come," cried the shivering little mate,
"For the light is growing dim;
'Tis time, ere we rest in that cosy nest,
To sing our evening hymn."
And this was the anthem they sweetly sang,
Over and over again:
"The Christ-child came on earth to bless
The birds as well as men."
Then safe in the safe, snug, warm sheaf they dwelt,
Till the long, cold night was gone,
And softly and clear the sweet church bells
Rang out on the Christmas dawn,
When down from their covert, with fluttering wings,
They flew to a resting-place,
As the humble peasant passed slowly by,
With a sorrowful, downcast face.
"Homeless and friendless, alas! am I,"
They heard him sadly say,
"For the sheriff," (he wept and wrung his hands)
"Will come on New Year's day."

The birdlings listened with mute surprise.
"'Tis hard," they gently said;
"He gave us a sheaf of grain for food,
When he had but three for bread.
We will pray to God, He will surely help
This good man in distress;"
And they lifted their voices on high, to crave
His mercy and tenderness.
Then again to the Christmas sheaf (julenek) they flew,
In the sunlight, clear and cold:
"Joy! joy! each grain of wheat," they sang,
"Is a shining coin of gold."

"A thousand ducats of yellow gold,
A thousand, if there be one;
O master! the wonderful sight behold
In the radiant light of the sun."
The peasant lifted his tear-dimmed eyes
To the shining sheaf o'erhead;
"'Tis a gift from the loving hand of God,
And a miracle wrought," he said.
"For the Father of all, who reigneth o'er,
His children will ne'er forsake,
When they feed the birds from their scanty store,
For the blessed Christ-child's sake."

"The fields of kindness bear golden grain,"
Is a proverb true and tried;
Then scatter thine alms, with lavish hand,
To the waiting poor outside;
And remember the birds, and the song they sang,
When the year rolls round again:
"The Christ-child came on earth to bless
The birds as well as men."

Mrs. A. M. Tomlinson.

søndag 13. desember 2009

Acrylpainting with love

In my heart is room for all my kids

In my heart are the room for all my children



13. December Christmas calender

Saint Lucy's Day or the Feast of St. Lucy (Santa Lucia, Saint Lucia or sometimes Lucia for short) is the Church feast day dedicated to St. Lucyand is observed on December 13.

In traditional celebrations, Saint Lucy comes as a young woman with lights and sweets. It is one of the few saint days observed in Scandinavia. In some forms, a procession is headed by one girl wearing a crown of candles (or lights), while others in the procession hold only a single candle each.



torsdag 10. desember 2009

11.December Christmas calender

Take a minute and just enjoy this Christmas movie. Have wonderful day and take care.

10.December Christmas calender

I dag handler dagens luke om at du kan vare den ene for noen. En barndom kan være vanskelig når man ikke har venner. Ekstra vanskelig når omsorgspersonene svikter pga rusavhengighet. Det er ikke sikkert at din venn forteller at han/hun har det vanskelig hjemme. Jeg gjorde det aldri pga at jeg var flau.

Så bli en Blå Kors Barndomsvenn eller frivillig hjelper. Du får garantert noe godt tilbake. Kanskje en venn for livet.

tirsdag 8. desember 2009

9. December Christmas calender

Alkoholfrie drinker

Ønsker å samle inn alkoholfrie drinker som jeg kan legge ut som en link på bloggen min etterhvert. Både varme og kalde.

Har du noen gode drinker eller tips som du vil dele med meg?

mandag 7. desember 2009

8. December Christmas Calender

Dagen i dag er til minne om Marias unnfangelse uten arvesynd også kalt vår frue ventedør. I norsk folketradisjon viser primstaven et kronet hode eller en bok. Gravide kunne be til henne denne dagen for å unngå å føde for sent.

Så hvem passer ikke bedre til ære denne dagen enn Celine Dion

søndag 6. desember 2009

My new hobby, acryl painting

My first painting painting 002

7. December Christmas Calender

Alvin and the Chipmunks is one of my favorite. Here is Classic versjon of Christmas dont be late. Just take time to see it ;-)

6. December tribute to Saint Nicholas of Myra

When December 6th comes around, some kids receiving small gifts from Saint Nicholas in our shoes.  It's close to Christmas too, so we can sometimes be tempted to think of Santa Claus at this time.  It's interesting to look a little more closely at one of the favorite Saints of all time and the story behind his generosity and gift-giving.

Nicholas is the national saint of Russia and Greece and different churses. He is the patron saint of judges, murderers, pawnbrokers, thieves, merchants, paupers, scholars, sailors, bakers, travelers, maidens and poor children.  He is also known as the friend and protector of all those in trouble.

Saint Nicholas was born in the Middle East in the fourth century.  He grew up to become the bishop of Myra.  His hometown was Lycia,  near the coast of what is now Turkey.  Legends tell of his love for children, his kindness and the miracles that have been attributed to him. 

The most famous story about Nicholas tells of how he helped three unfortunate young sisters who all had suitors but had no dowries because their father, a poor nobleman, could not raise the money.  Because of this,  they could not marry.The Bishop Nicholas was a shy man and did not like to give money directly , so he thought of a way to give it anonymously.  When the first daughter was ready to marry, the good bishop tossed a bag of gold into the house at night.  Later, when the second daughter prepared to marry, she too received a mysterious bag of gold.  When the third daughter prepared to marry, the poor nobleman and father of the three girls was determined to find out who had been so generous. So he kept watch and saw the bishop drop another bag of gold into the house. 

It has been said that Saint Nicholas climbed on the roof and dropped the third bag of gold down the chimney where it landed in a stocking hung to dry, giving us a reason to hang up Christmas stockings today. When the father saw what had happened, Nicholas begged him to keep the secret, but, of course, the news got out.  From then on, whenever anyone received an unexpected gift, they thanked Nicholas.

Six hundred years later, the Russian Emperor Vladimir visited Constantinople and heard all the wonderful stories about Bishop Nicholas and decided to make him the patron saint of Russia.  The stories even spread to the Laplands - to the people of the reindeer sleds.

The three bags of gold Nicholas gave the sisters  made him the focus of merchants in northern Italy.   Statues and pictures had shown him holding the three bags and when taken as the patron saint of the merchants, the bags became gold balls, representing money lenders and today, pawnbrokers.

This information are from http://frpat.com/nicholas.htm

lørdag 5. desember 2009

Sinterklaas i Nederland Luke 5

Når barna min gikk på den internasjonale skolen i Nederland. Lærte vi litt om den nederlandske versjonen av Sankt Nikolas som feires 5.-6. desember. Kvelden før 6. Desember setter de ut en sko som blir fylt opp av godteri i løpet av natten. Litt historie om Den hellige Nikolas var biskop Myrai Lilleasia og døde midt på 300-tallet Ifølge legendene hjalp han bl.a. fattigfolk med gaver, noe som ligger bak tradisjonen om Nikolas som julenissen med gaver. Sinterklaas har gitt navn til den amerikanske julenissen Santa Claus de nederlandske immigrantene i USApå 1600- og 1700-tallet.

Dagene for feiringen av Sinterklaas faller tidsmessig alltid i adventstiden Selv om dette kirkehistorisk ikke er på grunn av en tilknytning til adventstiden, men rett og slett fordi den hellige Nikolas skal ha dødd den 6. desember, oppleves den festlighetene nok som en førjulsskikk som er med på å berede grunnen for julefeiringen